Wednesday, April 9, 2008




Who compares to You?

Who set the stars in their place?

You who calmed the raging seas

That came crashing over me

Who compares to You?

You who bring the morning light

The hope of all the earth

Is rest assured in Your great love


You are magnificent, eternally

Wonderful, glorious,Jesus....

No one ever will compare to You


JesusWhere the evening fades

You call forth songs of joy

As the morning wakes

We Your children give You praise

(repeat chorus..)

I really like this song...

most of the youth in Ozamiz New Life Christian Fellowship, cry if somebody at the church sing this song...they cry because the message is so nice...and not because they are just acting..

try to listen this song..Promise this is so nice.....

Monday, April 7, 2008

Rigthing Wrongs

sOMeTiMeS YoU cAn aLmOsT tOuCh tHe tEnSiOn. A wHoLe HoUsE fUlL oF gIrLs EaCh WiTh thEiR OwN AgEnDa cAn Be a bReEdInG gRoUnD fOr DiSgRuNtLeD ReLaTiOnShIp.AnD FoR eVeR mOmEnT ThE IsSuE gOeS uNaDdReSs, tHe aTtItUdE BeCoME AlL ThE MoRe SoUr.So oF wHaT My pLaNs To tEAcG tHe giRLs AbOuT THe gOd?To pLaY CHrIsTiAn In tHe hOuSe?TO TaKe tHeM oN tRips tO SHaRe ThE GoSpEl wItH oThErS? It mUsT WaIt. tHe UrGenT PrIoriTy nOW Is rEsTorEd rElAtIoNsHips.RePenTaNcE.fOrGiVeNesS.

aT FiRsRt it MaY sEem fOrCeD.mOm iS mAkInG ThEm Do THiS.bUt aS ThE WorDs CoMe OuT Of ThEIr MouThS,''IwAs WrOnG.wIlL YoU fOrGivE mE?''tHe sPiRiT oF UgLiNeSs S ReLEasED,mAkInG rOoM FoR ChRiSt LiGTh To shInE oNcE aGaIn.ThEy SeAl ThE DeAl wItH An eMbRaCe, a PhYSicAl gEsTuRe Of hArMoNy ThAt eNvItAbly sEndS ThE GiRls bAcK To rIgGLiNg aNd rEjOiCe In tHeIr rElAtIoNshIp.NoW We cAn gEt oN WiTh oUr wAlK WtH gOd.

wE cAn lEaRn a LoT fRoM cHeLdReN bEaCaUsE adUlt pRoBlEmS aReN't So fAr rEmOvEd. iN oUr SpIrItuUaL fAmIlY wE mUsT kEeP tHe SaMe lEvEl oF hOnEsTy aNd fOrgIvEnEsS tHaT aRe rEqUired iN a TiGtHtLy kNiT hOmE.iT mAy sEem dIfFiCuLt oR cOnTrIvEd aT fIrSt To cOnFrOnT sOmEoNe wE hAvE wRoNgEd oR sOmEoNe wHo hAs wRoNgE uS.bUt aS wE dEveEloP tHiS pAtTeRn oF rElAtInG,oUr rElAtTiOnShIp wItH cHrIsT wIlL bE sTrEnGtHeN, aNd tHe bOdY oF cHrIst wIlL bE fReEd tO sHiNe hIs uNblEmEsHeD lOvE tO a WoRlD wHo Is dYiNg tO sEe iT.

I am what I am....

One of the 18 candle....of my cousins debut

after the teacher took this picture in my cellphone....hehehe


student also had a funny moment...
we are just joking in this picture....

A teenager like me want's to listen a music...anykind of music...that can relate to my self and to all of us
being a student...we can also accomplish all we proud of your self and have a self confidence...

last day of being a second year college...

John 4:19
In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the satisfaction for our sins.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Friendship isn't always easily described. The Eskimos, they say, have a hundred different words for snow. Unfortunately, the English language isn't quite as innovative, though it has vast opportunities to differentiate meaning. Certainly, Love is one of those opportunities. And so, too, is Friendship.
Instead of different words, however, we're stuck with simple adjectives. Close friend. Best friend. Childhood friend. Intimate friend. Trusted friend. Beloved friend. But whether you use adjectives or different words, few could deny the nearly infinite meaning in such a simple word.
Friends are special people. We can't pick our family, and we're sorely limited in the number of them at any rate. Society and mores (and often our own conscience) dictate we select a single mate. But our friends can be as diverse and infinite as the adjectives we choose. Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make in life.